Feature Ideas

  1. Multiple conversion pages

    Have tests use multiple conversion events/pages as there are cases when there are more than 1 outcome on a page.

    Adam Lacey
    #Improvement 👍


  2. Headline Split Test

    A standard split test would be based on conversions, correct? How about if my objective is not conversions, but actually just time spend on the page?! A very good example for this is split testing a Headline for a new blog. A headline it's the most important part of the blog, as you only have a second to get someone's attention. Technically I can have 2 posts with different headlines, that's no problem. the only thing missing is the ability of NOT having to choose a thank you page, and instead choose time spent on the page as a main goal or Bounce rate? that woul dbe a good one as well. Plus this would open up SplitHero to a new market. Conversions would be for marketers and funnels. Headlines for bloggers, content creators, etc.. everyone runs a blog.

    Adam Lacey
    #Improvement 👍#Feature Request 🚀


  3. External Conversion Goal

    The ability to have a conversion goal off-site. Potentially on a subdomain etc.

    Adam Lacey
    #Improvement 👍#Feature Request 🚀


  4. Desktop/Mobile View Stats

    See a breakdown of the stats for each URL variation between desktop and mobile.

    Adam Lacey
    #Improvement 👍


  5. Percent conversion graph

    The current main graph displayed shows number of conversions for each URL per day. (But this is relatively useless without knowing the total number of page visitors for each day). Instead, a far more useful chart - and the one your competition offers - shows the conversion percentage for each page variation, for each day. This is one of the most important data displays you could offer. I hope you can make it a top priority. I really like Split Hero overall, but honestly, without this basic feature, I'm not sure I'll continue my subscription. Thanks! -- Al

    Adam Lacey
    #Improvement 👍


  6. Add Client To Domain

    We should be able to add a client/user to a domain to give them access to all tests on that domain. Currently, we have to remember to add the client to each new campaign.

    Adam Lacey
    #Improvement 👍


  7. Single Sign-On (SSO)

    The ability to support SSO on the platform.

    Adam Lacey
    #Feature Request 🚀


  8. Change percentage of visitors to each variation

    It would be great to be able to change the percentage of users who visit each variation instead of all traffic being split equally.

    Adam Lacey
    #Improvement 👍#Feature Request 🚀


  9. Allow any URL to be tested without the dropdown selection

    I have a client that wants to test category pages and currently those don't show up on the page/post/product dropdown. Additionally the dropdown is not meeting best practice for usability. We should be able to start typing and have it autocomplete or something so that we don't have to read all 700+ pages/posts that my customer has.

    Eric K


  10. Page Conversion Contains Option

    For page conversion, would be great if you could set as an exact URL match or a URL contains. That way, you could have more flexibility without compromising relative redirect information.

    Adam Lacey
    #Improvement 👍


  11. View Archived Campaigns

    The ability to view archived campaigns.

    Adam Lacey
    #Improvement 👍


  12. WordPress Template Testing

    Extend Split Hero's functionality to allow easy testing of core WordPress template files. This would allow users to be able to do things such as; A/B test Archive layouts A/B test Single layouts A/B test WooCommerce layouts

    Adam Lacey
    #Improvement 👍


  13. Split Hero 3.0

    This is a big update and we are holding our cards close to our chest with this one but stay tuned for more information!

    Adam Lacey


  14. Reset Campaign

    To be able to reset all data on a campaign while it is still running. As an example, you may test a campaign for a day or so to check things are running well and then you'll reset the data for the real test.

    Adam Lacey
    #Improvement 👍


  15. 'dub devision' of buttons tracked.

    It would be really useful if, when testing a new page, we could have some sort of tracking of which exact button is pressed. Let's say there are 4 buttons on each page and we're testing A/B. It would be very useful to know that page A performs better but that contact button and the more info button on page B are clicked more than those on page A. I know if might not be the best A/B as multiple things change, but we have been asked to do this type of check many times.

    Supporting Y
    #Improvement 👍
